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Maternal Support Services

I support you through pregnancy

About Me

Hello ! My name is Célia and I would like to invite you to journey with me through your pregnancy, birth & postpartum experience.

Imagine feeling calm, confident and fully empowered about your birth. Imagine feeling excited and equipped with knowledge in your new role as a parent.  Imagine being supported and connected to the community around you. This can be you.

My aim is to empower you with scientific knowledge, deep relaxation techniques, breathing practices & create a community around you that will make this life changing journey as smoothe and joyful as possible!

I can support you in English 🇬🇧, French  🇫🇷  Italian 🇮🇹  &Spanish 🇪🇸

Get in touch with my free discovery session!


Maternal Support Practitioner- Bebo Mia
Certified Breastfeeding Educator- Bebo Mia
Baby Friendly Hospital Assessor – World Health Organisation
Social Behaviour and Change Communication – Ohio University /USAID
Msc Public Health in Maternal &Child Health -LSHTM
Bsc Social and Medical Anthropology -Brunel University

CPR& First Aid Certified


  • Childbirth Education and Hypnobirthing Techniques
  • Lactation Support
  • Postpartum Mental Wellness
  • Pelvic Floor Health
  • Nutritional Therapy

when it all started

My passion for birth started in my early years in Ghana where I worked as a Medical Anthropologist with pregnant women and the days right after birthing their babies. I witnessed how transformative birth was for a woman and how her experience of her birth impacted her emotions immediately after birth.  Birth was the beginning of a powerful postpartum journey.

Traditionally, women were accompanied by birth attendants that supported their needs, protected their instincts and celebrated childbirth as an empowering experience. The concept of pain was not in the equation of giving birth !  Immediately after birth, the whole village nurtured the mother, attending to all her needs. This meant that she was able to nurture her baby fully and thrive as a new mother. A baby was born but at the same time a confident mother was also born.

The closer I got to wanting to start a family, the more I realised that the reality that I was presented with in Ghana was a very different reality to the one I was living. Birth was accompanied with stories of fear and pain and most mothers I spoke to felt their nervous system was depleted, they felt isolated and mostly they were too tired to cook themselves a proper meal.

How was it that at opposite sides of the world pregnancy, birth and postpartum were such different experiences?

Some years passed and I was pregnant with my daughter Leï, it felt so natural and great too see the changes in my body, I felt so powerful. This was quickly reversed when the images of the empowering birthing moments that I had witnessed in Ghana had gone and my mind had been flooded by the repetition of traumatic birth stories that I had been told which were full of pain and tension and last minute medical emergencies ! I realised that I suddenly was petrified of giving birth !

Célia & Mei

I was determined to find a way to overcome this negative mind set as I kept on telling myself women have given birth eternally and keep on giving birth and having second babies there must be a way to birth comfortably!

This is when I came across the Hypnobirthing Technique which completely reset my mind and reclaimed my power to birth instinctively. Unfortunately most of us live in a society where as soon we become pregnant we slowly lose our power and instinct . We live in a culture that hands us over to the medical system that monitors and manages our pregnancy making us feel very vulnerable to the potential dangers that could go wrong. We embody that vulnerability and suddenly lose ourselves in fear.

Let me tell you that being pregnant and giving birth is the most powerful moment that we have as women and we cannot forget this! There is a way to re train our mind, rediscover our own bodies and empower ourselves with evidence to be the protagonist of our birth  and not just a spectator! This does not mean that the medical system does not have a role in our birth, we are more than lucky to be able to have all these people support us should an emergency happen but what is important is to not be overtaken by the fears that can be provoked by the system.

When you are being told that you need to be induced or you need to have a c section, you are able to communicate with your doctor and be involved and fully equipped with all the evidence based knowledge that will help you make that decision. This will help you later accept during your postpartum period that you may have had a birth that was not as you planned but at least you had the power to be part of that decision.  We are entitled to be able to dream about our birth and hope for it to be as we wish but we are also able to accept that we may not have the birth that we wanted but at least we were there consciously involved in that medical decision. This is the difference and this is what will path your way to your postpartum period.

I am passionate in supporting couples in preparing them on how to communicate with their health care professionals and also how to be actively involved when an unexpected medical circumstance arises during their birth. Being empowered in this way can help them process their birth experience.

However your baby arrives in this world, it is here now, and this is when the real journey begins and the beginning of your matrescence journey. Matrescence is the physical, emotional, spiritual , hormonal and social transition to becoming a mother.  There is no set period on how long matrescence lasts. Some say it lasts 3- 7 years while others say it lasts a lifetime. You know the saying “It takes a village to raise a child” …it also takes a village to raise a mother.

If you are an expat like me far away from home it can be hard parenting with little support system around you or even if you have support the communication is a barrier and the systems that you would find at home are not in place.

If you are in your home country, you may be feelings isolated too and finding yourself disappointed by having expectations that have not been fulfilled. Or you may have unlimited sources of advice that leave you feeling even more confused that you were in the first place.

You may be a mother which feels deep feelings of guilt, shame, rage and disappointment when mothering your children leaving you depleted of energy and vitality with the feeling of surviving through your day rather than thriving!

Everyone goes through similar journeys, parenting has its highs and its lows, its isolating moments , it’s overwhelming moments, it’s pure joy moments, it’s resenting moments, it’s bliss moments, its doubtful moments and so many more moments..

If we prepare ourselves for our postpartum period and are rightly supported the whole experience can be difference.  When we learn ways to nourish ourselves to heal, breathing techniques to soothe our nervous system, create a support system that will help us thrive as  parents and be equipped with the right information then we can really enjoy our parenting moments realising that the lows are there but it’s okay as we are being supported through the journey.

Your emotional experience as new parents is important in order for you to be able to nurture your children fully and be able to parent the way you have always imagined to parent.

My aim is to hold space for whatever feelings you are going through but also give you holistic ways to navigate this journey based on science but always protecting your natural instincts as parents !

Get in touch